Graduation, Degree Conferral and Credential

Graduation, Degree Conferral and Credential

Graduation is the completion of required credential requirements as recorded on the official academic transcript. Commencement is the ceremony that celebrates the completion of a degree credential. Participation in the commencement ceremony does not imply that a student officially graduated. The printed diploma or certificate is a commemoration of achievement. Official certification of the degree is made through the official transcript, the Digital Diploma, or through the certification service of the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC).

Conferral, also known as degree or credential completion, is evaluated on a rolling basis and once completion is certified, the completion date will be recorded on the student record. Typically, this is at the end of each full semester.

When coursework is taken off-campus, ensure a  permission form (requires a non-²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù account or for active students, see Registrar's SharePoint site) is approved. Off-campus coursework completion deadlines are August 25, December 22, and the last day of the semester prior to commencement exercises and requires a final official transcript issued by the institution. For further information about required outstanding requirements, please contact the Office of the Registrar. No credential shall be conferred, or awarded, until the Registrar's Office verifies all requirements are met.

The Registrar, in conjunction with the President and the approval of the Board of Trustees, awards credentials. An act deemed by the University as egregious can result in the act of revoking a conferred degree or the conferral of a degree.

Graduation Application

A Graduation Application is required for each credential, i.e., certificate and/or degree and major sought. An application for program completion during the spring or summer term is due October 1, and the fall or winter term is due March 1. At the time of each credential application, a graduation fee will be assessed. A candidate with an active application who communicates with the Registrar's Office they must defer to a future end term, will have the application carried forward for no more than one semester or term. Thereafter, the application will become inactive requiring a new application and fee assessment.

Degree Audit

An active student has 24/7 access to a degree audit via BannerWeb. The audit is refreshed each morning to capture course adjustments. A student is expected to review requirements as well as remaining credit hours required for their program of study each semester. Assistance to understand the audit is directed to the advisor. Questions regarding challenges or clarification are directed to the Office of the Registrar. An inactive student no longer has access to BannerWeb and must work with the advisor or department program director/chair.

The Office of the Registrar will conduct an audit in the semester of the graduation application deadline and provide a notice of progress based on the projected completion date. A student who cannot meet the projected completion date must request an application deferral. While an application is active, a periodic audit may be performed. When a student is not on track, the Office of the Registrar may independently update the end term. A degree audit noted as on-track indicates the student is projected to complete requirements by the desired completion date at the time of communication.


A diploma is printed with the degree, major, and, when applicable, Latin Honor and/or Honors Program. A certificate includes the certificate's program name. The printed student name is taken from the Graduation Application. Most often, this is the student's legal name; however, an alternate name may be given. The University reserves the right to deny a non-legal name. For an eligible student, the Military College of Vermont (MCV) designation will be included on the diploma. All credentials are printed as 8.5" x 11" landscaped.

Credential Distribution

A credential is mailed approximately 4-10 weeks following the end of the semester. Credentials are mailed at the end of each semester. A credential is not released when a student is in debt to the University.

Digital Credential

A complementary Digital Diploma is available to current graduates. Through a partnership with Parchment, the Digital Diploma is a certifiable document that can be shared or downloaded for third parties. This includes the Apostille and several graduate-level program boards and licensing boards. A unique link via the student's personal email address on BannerWeb will be sent approximately one-to-two weeks following confirmation of degree that must be claimed. A Digital Diploma is not released when a student is in debt to the University. A separate order is not needed.

Beginning December 2021, a Digital Diploma was made available to current graduates. A student who graduated prior to December 2021, may order a digital credential at a cost of $20.00. . Or place a replacement print order which will include a digital credential. 

Replacement Print Credential

A printed replacement credential, with current authorized signatures, is mailed in alignment with the credential distribution cycle to include the current authorized signatures. The issuance of a replacement print credential is the size of the paper in circulation, which includes current authorized signatures. All credentials are printed as 8.5" x 11" landscaped. A replacement diploma charge is $50.00. A student in debt to the University will not be issued a print Diploma until rectified. .

Apostille or Notarized Replacement Print Diploma

If alumni wish to order a*notarized or apostilled replacement print diploma credential from ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù, such requests must be communicated directly with the Office of the Registrar at prior to submitting a replacement diploma order through Parchment. A digital and print diploma credential is an official credential that is issued, authenticated, and authorized directly from ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù. Parchment is the gateway for alumni to receive an official diploma credential. The process for alumni to receive a print diploma and additional documentation or apostille instructions can take up to 8-10 weeks.

*Alumni may seek their own notary; however, it is the responsibility of Alumni to contact ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù directly PRIOR to submitting a replacement diploma order via Parchment. Please note that Alumni seeking an apostilled diploma may share their digital diploma in lieu of apostille as a digital diploma credential reflects the official issuance by a college/university, the verification of authenticity through Parchment, including the date issued and the individual the diploma was awarded.

Commencement Participation

There is one commencement ceremony at the conclusion of the 16-week Spring Semester. A student who completes a degree during the current academic year's fall term through the following August is eligible. A student who plans to complete their degree during the summer term is permitted to participate with an active application to graduate by the deadline and cleared by the Office of the Registrar. Participation may be revoked when the student has pending disciplinary action to be cleared by the Provost, and when applicable, in conjunction with the Vice President for Student Affairs. Participating graduate candidates are encouraged to check the Commencement website often. Questions once the current Commencement details are posted may be directed to

Latin Honors

Latin Honors are calculated using only ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù credits (there are no honors for Graduate students). The diploma and transcript will include the Latin Honor calculated at the time of degree completion. During commencement, noted Latin Honors are from the previously enrolled semester.

Academic Transcript

A transcript is the official certifying document for a degree credential. A student can order a transcript at any time but is encouraged to mark the order "hold for degree" to ensure the transcript is not issued before the degree statement is posted to the student record. A transcript is not released when there is a debt to the University.



Office of the Registrar Contact Information

Links to Graduation Application and Deferral

  •  Application (NextGen account creation/access)
  •  Deferred an Active Application (NextGen account creation/sign-in)
  •  Deferred an Active Application (²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù SSO login)
  •  Application (BannerWeb, FAQ's on the Registrar's SharePoint site)

Transient Course Permission

Additional Resources

Graduation Preparation Timeline and Checklist


Meet with advisor to review remaining requirements and ensure on track to graduate by target date.

October 1

Graduation application deadline for all candidates graduating Spring or Summer Semester/Term


Registrar's Office reviews applicant's degree audit


December graduates, request final transcripts, if desired, mark hold for degree


December graduates: complete loan exit requirements for Loans, 

Early February

Credentials mailed to December graduates as well as replacement orders

March 1

Graduation application deadline for all candidates graduating Fall or Winter Semester/Term


May graduates, request final transcripts, if desired, mark hold for degree

May graduates: complete loan exit requirements for Loans, 


Registrar's Office reviews applicant's degree audit


Credentials mailed for Spring graduates as well as replacement orders


Credentials mailed to graduate programs ending in June

Summer graduates, request final transcripts, if desired, mark hold for degree

Summer graduates: complete loan exit requirements for Loans, 


Credentials mailed to Summer graduates as well as replacement diploma orders