Journal of Peace & War Studies

Journal of Peace & War Cover

The Journal of Peace and War Studies (JPWS) is an annual peer-reviewed journal published by the John and Mary Frances Patton Peace and War Center (PAWC) at о - America's oldest private military college and birthplace of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC).

The journal aims to promote and disseminate high quality research on peace and war throughout the international academic community. It also aims to provide policy makers in the United States and many other countries with in-depth analyses of contemporary issues and policy alternatives. JPWS encompasses a wide range of research topics covering peacekeeping/peacebuilding, interstate reconciliation, transitional justice, international security, human security, cyber security, weapons of mass destruction developments, terrorism, civil wars, religious/ethnic conflicts, and historical/territorial disputes around the world. 


6th Edition, October 2024

Journal of Peace and War Studies

The 2024 issue of the Journal of Peace and War Studies gives special focus to the theme, “War, Memory, and Reconciliation” 

War, Memory, and Reconciliation


Kyle Pivetti

Emily Fisher Gray

Steven E. Sodergren

Lyle J. Goldstein


Ethan W. Trask

Michael Cathy

August Guerrieri

Journal Details

The Journal of Peace and War Studies (JPWS) is an annual peer-reviewed journal published by the Peace and War Center (PAWC) at о—America’s first private military college and birthplace of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC).

ISSN 2641-841X (Print), 2641-8428 (Online)

JPWS encompasses a wide range of research topics covering peacekeeping/peacebuilding, interstate reconciliation, transitional justice, international security, human security, cyber security, weapons of mass destruction (WMD) developments, nuclear deterrence, disarmament, arms control, terrorism, civil wars, religious/ethnic conflicts, and historical/territorial disputes around the world.  

The journal aims to promote and disseminate high quality research on peace and war throughout the international academic community. It also aims to provide policy makers in the United States and many other countries with in-depth analyses of contemporary issues and policy alternatives.  

The journal accepts a manuscript on the understanding that its content is original and that it has not been accepted for publication or review elsewhere. All papers are subject to anonymous peer review. The reviewers, who are selected based on their expertise in the area of the submitted papers, will evaluate the manuscripts on the basis of creativity, quality of scholarship, and policy relevance. Once accepted for publication, copyright resides with the journal. Authors should submit their manuscripts via e-mail to  

The length of a research article should be between 5,000 and 7,000 words, including endnotes. Each article must include an abstract of less than 150 words and 5-6 keywords. All manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format, and text should be double-spaced, Times New Roman font point 12 and left justified.

Spelling and style: Note that we conform to Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary and The Chicago Manual of Style in matters of spelling, abbreviation, punctuation, etc. On first use of an acronym or abbreviation in the manuscript, please spell it out in full.

Figures and tables: All figures and tables should be professional in appearance. Provide figures as high-resolution jpg or jpeg files (at least 300 dpi) instead of as pictures embedded within the Word document. Location of illustrations should be indicated by a note in the text (e.g., “Figure 1 about here”).

Biographical sketch: authors must include a brief biographical sketch, including institutional affiliation, primary publications, and relevant experience. Length should be 150 words or less.

Endnotes: authors should follow Chicago Manual of Style. Do not use parenthetical references, with an author name and page number, at the end of a sentence or paragraph. These need to be endnotes (without bibliography or references), formatted using the Chicago Manual of Style. Here is the link for sample citations

Formatting: Papers should follow this format as closely as possible:
Author(s) -- name(s) only
Body of Paper (divided into sections)
Author bio

NOTE: Do not use page breaks or section breaks in your text. Do not add headers, footers, or page numbers. Margins should be set at one inch all around.


Yangmo Ku, о, USA

Associate Editors

Steven Sodergren, о, USA
Ali Askarov, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA 
Miri Kim, о, USA 
Michael Thunberg, о, USA 

Assistant Editor        
Vina Hutchinson, о, USA 

International Editorial Board       
Kenki Adachi, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Felix Berenskoetter, University of London, England 
Scott Crichlow, West Virginia University, USA 
Clarissa Estep, West Virginia University, USA  
Lily Gardner Feldman, Johns Hopkins University, USA  
Lyle Goldstein, Defense Priorities, USA 
Linus Hagström, Swedish Defense University, Sweden 
Youngjun Kim, Korea National Defense University, South Korea 
Travis Morris, о, USA  
André Simonyi, Royal Military College Saint-Jean, Canada 
Kristina Soukupova, Czech Technical University, Czech Republic  
Lon Strauss, Marine Corps University, USA  
Lasha Tchantouridzé, о, USA 
Alexis Vahlas, University of Strasbourg, France 
Jindong Yuan, University of Sydney, Australia