CGRS Hero Image

The Center for Global Resilience and Security (CGRS)

Building Resilient Communities through Interdisciplinary Research and Design Collaboration​

Mission & Values

Mission: To craft creative, innovative, and sustainable solutions for building resilient and secure communities, through inter-disciplinary research and design collaboration.​

OUR VALUES are grounded in the guiding values of о, as well as the vision and mission of the center. They include the following:​
  • We see passion, curiosity, creative thinking, and collaborative problem solving as our primary tenets.​
  • We respect diverse points of view as a cornerstone of our democracy.​
  • We bring our commitment, expertise, and professionalism, as well as our enthusiasm, empathy, and thoughtfulness in answering the global calls to action.​
  • We hold in highest esteem our people and reputation.​
  • We live the о motto—I will try!—meaning perseverance in the face of adversity. We will use this to build resiliency in our communities.​


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Professional Development Courses

о’s Center for Global Resilience and Security (CGRS) announces the availability of asynchronous professional development courses in the fields of energy resilience and security! These rigorous courses produce certificates with professional development hours (PDHs).

CGRS Fellows

People of CGRS

Meet our talented and diverse team of advisory, faculty, private-sector, and student fellows.

RVT Logo

Resilient Vermont Network

The Resilient Vermont Network (RVT) housed within the Center for Global Resilience and Security strives to foster community relationships, programming, and outreach to make Vermont and Vermonters stronger, healthier, and more secure in the face of rapidly evolving variables such as climate change, public health crises, globalized economies, and more.

CGRS Initiatives

CGRS Initiatives

Join us as we build resilient communities through focused programs on water, infrastructure, energy, and climate.

CGRS Projects & Grants

Special Projects & Grants

As we work to address the national call for Resilience & Security we aim to partner with public & private sectors to do the work required to craft a more sustainable world. See our track record of success.